The Police Service of Northern Ireland’s (PSNI) – Counter Terrorism Unit recently showcased their (2) LIBERATOR Elevated Tactics Systems, installed on Lenco BearCat G3’s, to Belfast Live. The (2) Hostage Rescue Vehicles were put into operation by the Service last summer and have already been deployed on several occasions.
Primarily sought after and purchased for the intent of counter terrorism response and operations at the airport in relation to aircraft hijackings; shortly upon receiving the vehicles/systems, they had a lot more tactical and rescue capabilities. "Very quickly when we bought them and brought them into service, we realized that they had a lot more uses where they could assist us to gain access at height, particularly where we are around people who are displaying issues with vulnerability.," said Airport Commander Supt Mark Roberts. PSNI’s intent of showing off the vehicles was to provide reassurance to the public on how the systems are to be used to further protect and serve the community. Supt Roberts went on to explain some of the additional uses the LIBERATOR ETS provided them, to include train/rail and bus assault capabilities provided by the Side Assault System (SAS). He recounted a specific operation where the systems were deployed to address someone with very significant difficulties/vulnerabilities, "I have no doubt that on that deployment we were able to save a life by using this vehicle by being able to gain access quickly and safely to deal with the individual in a manner that met their needs.”
PSNI pointed out that the (2) LIBERATOR ETS – Lenco BearCats would be accessible to other partners, including An Garda Síochána in the south.