Operators from 2nd Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group (SFG-A) of USASOC recently completed a 3-week long dive requalification in Key West, Florida at the Special Forces Underwater Operations School (SFUWO). Learning surface and subsurface waterborne infiltration methods, combat divers conducted several training missions to validate as a dive team at the battalion level as well as train for undersea wartime operations.
One of the missions consisting of a stealth subsurface beach approach using the JETBOOTS Diver Propulsion System (J-DPS) and rebreathers. The Jetboots DPS allowed operators to conserve their energy during the infiltration and due to the hands-free capability, tow a simulated Stinger missile ashore for air defense.
A Special Forces team leader with 2nd Bn., 10th SFG(A) said, “We’re incorporating (the Jetboots Diver Propulsion System) on our dives to extend our range. With dive operations, we’re limited to about 2 kilometers of diving. With the Jetboots capability SFUWO provides, we can do (infiltrations) of up to 7 or 8 kilometers.”
Full story here: https://www.dvidshub.net/news/422355/10th-sfga-operators-execute-undersea-operations-around-south-florida