Jankel Armouring Limited, with the support of Patriot3’s Elevated Tactics Division (P3E), have successfully delivered their first order of the ‘next generation’ GUARDIAN Counter Terror Assault Vehicle-Urban (CTAV-Urban) to an undisclosed customer. Patriot3 and Jankel have been partnering together in the integration of our MARS Elevated Tactics Systems on their Guardian armored vehicle platform for over a decade now, thus creating the CTAV. The CTAV is an operationally proven F550-based armored vehicle platform combined with the MARS Elevated Tactics System for rapid deployment for elevated tactical/rescue operations which has been in use by elite tactical units around the world since the mid-2000s. The CTAV-Urban features a newly designed version of the MARS system, in combination with our proven OSR (Off-Set Ramp), which delivers a narrower and lighter hydraulic solution allowing counter terror units and tactical teams to effectively operate in tighter and more restricted city/urban environments.
The development of the CTAV-Urban is another continuance of Patriot3 & Jankel’s long standing partnership and determination in providing the very best products and services to our end users to drive mission success!
You can access the full press release here: https://jankel.com/2021/05/18/jankel-delivers-next-generation-guardian-counter-terror-assault-vehicle-urban-ctav-urban/
