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Italian Armed Forces Chief of Defense Staff, General Graziano, visits GIS

General Claudio Graziano, current Chief of Defense Staff for the Italian Armed Forces, visited Italy’s elite counter terrorism unit, Gruppo Intervento Speciale (GIS) in Tuscany. GIS operators conducted a short demonstration of a terrorism compound takedown, using their MARS Elevated Tactics System to breach a 2nd floor window during a dynamic entry. Following the demonstration, General Graziano met with members of the GIS and Carabinieri Paracadutisti del 1° Reggimento, and reviewed the equipment used during the demo. With the global threat of terrorism, General Graziano and the GIS continue to ensure Italy is prepared for any potential attacks as they continue to be engaged in multiple military assistance and defense forces missions around the world.

The GIS, who specialize in high risk Counter Terror operations, have been operating their MARS tactical ramp systems for over 10 years!


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