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Algerian National Police GOSP use MARS ETS during 1st Anti-Hijack Drill at Bejaia Airport

The Special Operations Forces (GOSP) of the Algerian National Police conducted an anti terrorism exercise to assault a hijacked aircraft at Bejaia Airport in Northern Algeria. The exercise was the first of its kind held at the airport, which is also known as Abane Ramadan Airport. During the exercise, GOSP operators use their MARS Elevated Tactics System to make entry into a "hijacked" Tassili Air jet that was being held by a unknown number of terrorists. Operators were able to quickly approach the aircraft, while distraction devices were deployed, and gain entry into the forward fuselage door to neutralize the terrorists and rescue the hostages. The exercise is one of many that has been orchestrated around the country to better prepare security forces for acts of terrorism and aircraft hijackings.


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